I like to think I'm a pretty smart person...or at least not dumb. Well, the other day I was forced to the conclusion that this may not be entirely true. See, the thing is for the past few months (well, since my birthday) I have been thinking I'm 28. Even though the math is pretty damn easy to do, I've been messing it up since October. Do other people do this? Or have I just started slipping down a slippery slope toward senility?
I am one year closer to 30 than I thought I was. This isn't a major issue really, I'm not a person who focuses on age milestones as being a big deal. But, 30 seems like an age where I have to start being a grown up, become more responsible and less of a goof off. It's a time when I should start to choose the path toward growth and enlightenment over the one that leads to immaturity and foolishness. I'm a lot better at being a fool than being enlightened. It also means I need to eat more veggies.
Having one less year before this deadline worries me. There are a lot of stupid things a twenty-something is supposed to do that I just haven't done yet.
I guess I had better get started on making up for lost time...The only question is where do I start?